
Posts Tagged ‘Ork’

After three months in the condo and being house rich and cash poor, we opened our doors and had a house-warming party. It was wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family in our new home!

It was a barn burner! There was lots of food. Including, build your own sandwiches, pierogies with kielbasa, onions, apples and sour cream (Hooray for Polish roots! And, I got to use my new crockpot for the first time. I feel so mid-Western at the same time!), beautiful home-made pineapple cookies (a sign of hospitality, and no they aren’t waffles GK and AK) made by our very own SB (shouldn’t she go into business?!) and lots more.

And of course, college football (duh, it’s a Saturday in Fall…is there anything else?). All three of my teams, Michigan, Maryland and UCLA, made good showings…with UCLA killing Texas as the highlight! (Sorry Longhorn fans, especially you Yoda.)

As I am sure you know, part of an open house is having your guests walk through your new home, inspecting your purchase, allowing you to brag about all the changes you’ve made with your bare hands (see earlier posts) and showing off your decor.

Which brings me to displaying locales past and present into our decor. You already know I’m from Buffalo. Born, bred and proud of it! The Husband is from Orange County, CA:

Together, we are DCites or DC’ers (whichever you prefer) and the most commented on item in our home was, without a doubt, our Ork DC poster:

We have the green and brown, because it goes with our house, but I love the “crackberry,” the color that is, a taupe and cranberry combo, not the actual addiction to your smartphone…so obnoxious! Do you display your hometown pride in your home?

Update: Look what was featured on Design*Sponge today!

It seems everyone has motherland pride on their mind lately. Not all the states are released yet, although MN is pretty awesome, but you can get the prints on fineartichoke.com. There were also some other cool prints for sale. I liked these, which reminded me of all my mid-western friends:

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